Our trip started with a visit to the European Parliament. Amazing! I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I can not wait to take my class on EU Policy. It felt like US government structures 2.0. While the concepts were very reminiscent of our own system of government, it is immediately clear that they recognized some of our shortcomings (ie a two party system) and worked to reform it. The woman explained to us the various branches of the EU: European Parliament, European Council and Commission. All three of these building representing these varying groups can be found in Brussels.
A few of us went to the US Embassy as well thinking that we needed to register with the Embassy. No other Embassy had security outside of the Embassy, let alone guards with guns at various spots. It was really surprising and telling about the global perspective regarding the States. Sigh. How times have changed.
Well there are quiet a few things that Belgians are famous for, and one of which is their waffles. Delicious. This is us right near the Grote Markt. On the right is my new friend Katie. Oh yeah, my hair is super short now.
Oh another thing that Belgians are famous for is chocolate. Yum! Godiva was founded in Brussels at the end of the 1920s. However, while the chocolate that we get in the States is amazing, apparently it does not compare to the Godiva in Brussels. This is because in the States we do not get the chocolate from the Belgium factories. Instead, we produce it in the States ourselves. Boo. So we will have to see how it compares. But according to the tour guide, Godiva is only the "BMW" of chocolates. There is still the Ferrari and Maserati.
Ah. The Grote Markt. Stunning. There are two main things that I would like to point out. The first is the Town Hall. I mean right! This is what the whole square looks like. All of it is stone, and it was all made in the last five years of the 17th Century (1690s). This is because in 1695 France bombed Brussels, destroying the wooden buildings that once stood there. It is super impressive that everything in the square was made in only 5 years!!!! But also at the Town Hall, one of my favorite things was taking place, a wedding. Do not worry I will only post one picture. But I did creep. Her dress was gorgeous. I just wish I knew who they are, clearly they are important.
Oh and the last thing about the square. Independent about how you feel about this philosopher, this is super cool. Karl Marx lived here when he wrote "The Communist Manifesto"!!! Crazy!!!
Rub for good luck. All over the world there are statues that are thought to be good luck if you rub them. This is a statue of Everhard 't Serclaes. He is a Brussels hero that rescued Brussels in 1356 by climbing the city walls and putting the Duke of Brabant flag on the Town Hall. He was elected alderman five times until he was murdered. However, a mob avenged his death and destroyed the perpetrator's castle. In homage to him the city has a statue of him at the square. If you rub his elbow with yours you will be rewarded with good luck and your wish granted. Fingers crossed.
Manneken Pis. This little statue has hundreds of outfits and a few times each week his outfit is changed.
Okay. I did not mean to upload so many pictures. So here is the last one. The Royal Palace of Brussels!
I think I'm going to take a class on EU Policy too!